Hazardous Waste Emergency ID Numbers
Hazardous Waste Emergency identification (ID) numbers are issued for emergencies involving hazardous waste, such as a spill or a clandestine lab cleanup. These ID numbers are generally only given to government agencies or their contractors.
There are two categories of emergency ID numbers issued:
Emergency federal EPA ID numbers are used for 100 kg or more of RCRA hazardous waste, and/or 1 kg or more of acutely hazardous waste.
Emergency State ID numbers are issued for all other hazardous waste.
To obtain an emergency ID number please call one of the following numbers:
Normal Business Hours (Monday – Friday 9 am – 4 pm). Please call DTSC at (800) 618-6942 if calling from within the U.S.
After Hours. Please call the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) at (800) 852-7550 and request to speak to a DTSC Emergency Response Duty Officer (ERDO).
Hazardous Waste Links
- Hazardous Waste Home
- Certified Appliance Recycler (CAR) Program
- Defining Hazardous Waste
- Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
- Enforcement and Emergency Response Division
- Facilities (TSDFs)
- Generator Improvements Rule
- Generators
- Hazardous Waste ID Numbers
- Hazardous Waste Management Plan
- Hazardous Waste Manifests
- Hazardous Waste Tracking System
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Metal Recycling
- Metal Shredding Facilities and Wastes
- Permitting
- Toxics in Products
- Transporters
- Universal Waste
- Form 1358
- California Hazardous Waste Codes
Hazardous Waste Related Links
- Annual/Biennial Reports
- Annual Fee Summary
- Customer Billing Portal (Cost Recovery)
- DTSC Advisory on the Management of Spent Fuels
- EnviroStor
- Hazardous Waste Publications
- Find a Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter
- Hazardous Waste Policies & Procedures
- Hazardous Waste Project Documents
- Imports and Exports of Hazardous Waste
- Kettleman Hills Facility
- Land Use Restriction Sites
- Office of Criminal Investigations
- PV Modules (Solar Panels)
- Regulatory Assistance Office
- Report an Environmental Concern
- Retail Waste