Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

We protect and maintain California’s land and places
by setting strict standards for land restoration and cleanup

Loans and Grants

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) offers loans and grants to assist with addressing environmental investigations and cleanups at properties throughout California. DTSC’s goal with these funding resources is to empower communities and other stakeholders to work together in a timely manner to facilitate the return of blighted and underutilized properties to safe and productive uses. 


Equitable Community Revitalization Grant (ECRG)

DTSC’s Office of Brownfields Equitable Community Revitalization Grant will provide about $200+ million in grants through a competitive process for:

  1. Community-wide assessments
  2. Environmental investigations
  3. Environmental cleanups

Targeted Site Investigation (TSI) Program – CLOSED

Under the TSI Program, DTSC selects sites to receive environmental services through a competitive application process. The TSI focuses on brownfield sites where redevelopment or reuse is being considered. The DTSC TSI Program is funded by the US EPA through a CERCLA 128(a) State and Trial Response Program Grant. For the selected properties, DTSC provides assessment, investigation, or cleanup planning services at no cost to the applicant.

Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grant Program 

The RLF Grant Program provides grants for brownfields where redevelopment or reuse is planned. Under this program, local government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and tribes who are not considered to be responsible parties could be eligible for a grant to help with the cost of implementing a hazardous substance or petroleum cleanup.


Cleanup Loans and Environmental Assistance to Neighborhoods (CLEAN) Program

Provides low-interest loans of up to $2.5 million for the cleanup of hazardous materials where redevelopment of abandoned and underutilized urban properties is likely to have a beneficial impact on the property values, economic viability, and quality of life of a community.

Investigating Site Contamination Program (ISCP)

Provides low-interest loans of up to $100,000 to conduct preliminary endangerment assessments of underutilized urban properties. If redevelopment of property is determined not economically feasible, up to 75 percent of the loan amount may be waived.

DTSC Loans and Grants Programs Diagram

For more information on technical aspects of this funding, contact

For more information on financial aspects of this funding, contact

Other Funding Support

DTSC holds webinars/workshops with other agencies to share information on different state and federal funding sources. Additionally, DTSC supports parties pursuing US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) brownfields grant by writing letters of acknowledgement which are a required aspect of the application process. DTSC also helps U.S. EPA grant applicants and recipients access federal brownfields funding by determining eligibility of petroleum contaminated brownfields sites, under CERCLA section 101(39)(D).

The TSI Program is currently on hiatus – for more information and updates, please see our Brownfields Funding web page.

California for All Logo Gavin Newsom
Office of the Governor

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Yana Garcia Yana Garcia
Secretary for Environmental Protection

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Katherine M. Butler, MPH, DirectorKatherine M. Butler, MPH

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