Official California Statutory Code Excerpts
The list below is a compilation of the major statutory code sections of California law that affect or are implemented by the Department of Toxic Substances Control.
By clicking the links, you will be taken to a site maintained by California State Assembly, the California State Senate, or the Legislative Counsel Bureau, as applicable. DTSC is not responsible for the content at that website.
Health and Safety Code, Div. 20. Miscellaneous Health and Safety Provisions
Health and Safety Code, Division 45
Excerpt | Section Range |
DIVISION 45. Hazardous Substance Response (formerly Ch. 6.8) | 78000-81050 (formerly 25300-25395.45) |
Miscellaneous Code Sections
Code | Section | Excerpt | Section Range |
Health and Safety Code | Div. 10. Uniform Controlled Substances Act | CHAPTER 8. Seizure and Disposition | 11469-11495 |
Health and Safety Code | Div. 24. Community Development and Housing, Part 1. Community Redevlopment Law | CHAPTER. 4 Redevelopment Procedures and Activities | 33300-33490 |
Health and Safety Code | Div. 37. Regulation of Environmental Protection | DIVISION 37. REGULATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION | 57000-57020 |
Health and Safety Code | Div. 101. Administration of Public Health, Part 3. Local Health Departments | CHAPTER 4. Additional Administrative Provisions | 101325-101490 |
Public Resources Code | Div. 30. Waste Management, Part 3. State Programs | CHAPTER 2. Pharmaceutical and Waste Stewardship | 42030-42036.4 |
Public Resources Code | Div. 30. Waste Management, Part 3. State Programs | CHAPTER 3.5. Metallic Discards | 42160-42185 |
Public Resources Code | Div. 30. Waste Management, Part 3. State Programs | CHAPTER 8. Recycled Battery Programs | 42440-42450.5 |
Public Resources Code | Div. 30. Waste Management, Part 3. State Programs | CHAPTER 8.5 Electronic Waste Recycling | 42460-42486 |
Public Resources Code | Div. 30. Waste Management, Part 7. Other Provisions | CHAPTER 2. Finances | 47901-48028 |
Public Resources Code | Div. 34. Environmental Protection, Part 1.5. Permit Assistance Centers | PART 1.5. PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTERS | 71040-71041 |
Government Code | Tit. 2. Government of the State of California, Div. 3. Executive Department, Part 1. State Departments and Agencies | CHAPTER 3.5. Administrative Regulations and Rulemaking | 11340-11361 |
Government Code | Tit. 2. Government of the State of California, Div. 3. Executive Department, Part 1. State Departments and Agencies | CHAPTER 1. Administration | 12800-12838.14 |
Civil Code | Div. 2. Property, Part 2. Real or Immovable Property, Tit. 3 Rights and Obligations of Owners | CHAPTER 3. Environmental Responsibility Acceptance Act | 850-855 |
Civil Code | Div. 3. Obligations, Part 1. Obligations in General | TITLE 3. TRANSFER OF OBLIGATIONS | 1457-1471 |
Education Code | Tit. 1. General Education Code Provisions, Div. 1. General Education, Part 10.5. School Facilities | CHAPTER 1. Schoolsites | 17210-17224 |
Business and Professions Code | Div. 8. Special Business Regulations | CHAPTER 3. Home Furnishings | 19000-19221 |
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