DTSC’s Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List – Site Cleanup (Cortese List)
The Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites (Cortese) List is a planning document used by the State, local agencies, and developers to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements in providing information about the location of hazardous materials release sites. Government Code section 65962.5 requires the California Environmental Protection Agency to develop at least annually an updated Cortese List. DTSC is responsible for a portion of the information contained in the Cortese List. Other State and local government agencies are required to provide additional hazardous material release information for the Cortese List.
DTSC’s Brownfields and Environmental Restoration Program (Cleanup Program) EnviroStor database provides DTSC’s component of Cortese List data by identifying Annual Workplan (now referred to State Response and/or Federal Superfund), and Backlog sites listed under Health and Safety Code section 25356. In addition, DTSC’s Cortese List includes Certified with Operation and Maintenance sites.
What follows is the DTSC Cleanup Program information that is required to be included in DTSC’s component of the Cortese List. This information is sorted by site name, and by clicking on the site name you will be linked to the profile report for that particular site.
For additional information and listing of sites, please refer to the California Environmental Protection Agency’s web site.
Site Mitigation & Restoration Program Links
- Brownfields
- Cleanup in Vulnerable Communities Initiative (CVCI)
- EnviroStor
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- Human and Ecological Risk Office
- Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Facility Investigation and Cleanup Program
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- Land Use Restriction Sites
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