Site Project Documents

We provide documentation to help you understand DTSC’s cleanup, permitting, enforcement, and investigation efforts

Ecobat Permitting

The Ecobat Resources California, Inc. (formerly Quemetco, Inc.) Facility is on a 15-acre property located in the City of Industry, Los Angeles County. This Facility has operated at this location since 1959.The Facility is located on previously rural land in an industrial and residential mixed-use area. The Facility is a secondary lead smelter that recovers lead mainly from automotive batteries, and some other lead bearing materials received from off-site; and from slag generated on-site. The Facility maintains a Hazardous Waste Operation and Post-Closure Permit from DTSC issued in 2005 to recover lead and monitor groundwater around post-closure units. The post-closure units are the closed surface impoundment and former waste pile. Both units previously stored hazardous waste and were closed in 1995. Contaminated soil from beneath the units was excavated and removed and groundwater continues to be monitored at the facility.   

The Ecobat Resources California, Inc. Facility first received an interim status authorization from DTSC’s predecessor the Department of Health Services in 1983 to manage hazardous waste. Interim status authorizations were initially granted to facilities after hazardous waste control laws went into effect to give the Department time to review the applications from the facilities and determine if they should receive a permit. DTSC granted Ecobat Resources California, Inc. (then known as Quemetco, Inc.) its first hazardous waste permit in 2005. The permit allowed Ecobat to store lead-acid batteries and other lead bearing materials received from offsite sources and recover lead from them. The permit was effective for 10 years. However, the law allows permits to remain in effect until DTSC makes a decision on whether to renew the permit if a facility submits an application to DTSC to renew the permit before the 10-year term ends. Ecobat Resources California, Inc. submitted a permit renewal application to DTSC on March 6, 2015. DTSC is currently evaluating the permit renewal application 

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