About DTSC

We are determined to safeguard California from the harmful effects of chemicals

Environmental Justice Advisory Council

EJAC Members Selected

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) announces the members of the Environmental Justice Advisory Council which will provide independent environmental justice advice, consultation, and recommendations to DTSC and the Board of Environmental Safety (BES). Jointly the BES and the EJAC members will help safeguard communities impacted by exposure to toxic substances under the regulatory oversight of DTSC. 

The seven members selected to serve on the EJAC are: Miguel Alatorre, George Galvis, Kevin Hamilton, Karen Lincoln, Nam Nguyen, Magali Sanchez-Hall, and LeVonne Stone. The members represent various communities across California. See the members bios here.  

The EJAC will convene conversations to amplify community and Tribal voices and provide a forum for open dialogue with decisionmakers. DTSC will use the advice and recommendations it receives from the EJAC to advance environmental justice objectives across DTSC’s programs and activities. Through the recommendations provided by the EJAC, DTSC will cultivate new partnerships and strengthen existing ones that focus on community-informed solutions to address environmental inequities within DTSC’s purview. The EJAC will recommend effective means of communications with affected communities and advise on pathways for just outcomes of DTSC actions. DTSC will pursue environmental justice objectives to improve environmental and public health outcomes now and for generations to come. DTSC is committed to advancing environmental justice to enhance both environmental and public health outcomes, today and for future generations.

For any questions or comments, please email to EJACinfo@dtsc.ca.gov or call (833) 862-1630.


During the 2021 “reform” through Senate Bill 158 (Ch. 73, Stats. 2021), DTSC implemented key governance and fiscal reforms to improve the Department’s transparency, accountability, and fiscal stability. This included the appointment of a five-member Board of Environmental Safety (BES). Three members of the Board are appointed by the Governor, with State Senate confirmation; one member is appointed by the State Assembly, and one member is appointed by the State Senate. The BES represents the general public interest and acts to protect public health and reduce risks of toxic exposure with a particular focus on disproportionately burdened and vulnerable communities.

SB 158 as amended, granted DTSC authority “[t]o assist in the development of a forum within [DTSC] that represents communities across California impacted by the DTSC’s programs and activities and to provide environmental justice advice, consultation, and recommendations to the Director of [DTSC] and the [BES]. DTSC is creating this forum as the Environmental Justice Advisory Council (EJAC), which resides within the DTSC.

The EJAC will convene conversations to amplify community and Tribal voices and provide a forum for open dialogue with decisionmakers. DTSC will use the advice and recommendations it receives from the EJAC to advance environmental justice objectives across DTSC’s programs and activities. Through the recommendations provided by the EJAC, DTSC will cultivate new partnerships and strengthen existing ones that focus on community-informed solutions to address environmental inequities within DTSC’s purview. The EJAC will recommend effective means of communications with affected communities and advise on pathways for just outcomes of DTSC actions. DTSC will pursue environmental justice objectives to improve environmental and public health outcomes now and for generations to come. 


The EJAC will provide independent environmental justice advice, consultation, and recommendations to DTSC and BES to help safeguard communities impacted by exposure to toxic substances under the regulatory oversight of DTSC.  

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For questions or for more information about the EJAC, contact us at EJACinfo@dtsc.ca.gov.

California for All Logo Gavin Newsom
Office of the Governor

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Yana Garcia Yana Garcia
Secretary for Environmental Protection

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Katherine M. Butler, MPH, DirectorKatherine M. Butler, MPH

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