Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

We protect and maintain California’s land and places
by setting strict standards for land restoration and cleanup

Exide Facility Closure and On-Site Corrective Action

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The Exide facility stopped operating in March 2014, and Closure work began in November 2017 as required by the Final Closure Plan, the Final Environmental Impact Report (dated December 8, 2016), and the Closure Implementation Plan (approved October 19, 2017).

Per the Closure Plan, most of the above-grade structures, including all for the former manufacturing structures located in the North Yard, have been decontaminated and deconstructed. Soil and soil vapor sampling have begun in the North Yard and DTSC is in the process of contracting one of its approved remediation companies to complete the remaining Phase 1 Closure activities and to complete and submit the Phase 1 Closure Certification Report. The Phase 1 Closure Certification Report will document all Phase 1 Closure activities completed at the Site.

The stormwater surface impoundment and wastewater treatment plant will remain operational until the Site’s corrective measure implementation phase starts. Following Phase 1 Closure and Certification, Site-wide corrective action will occur. View details regarding the On-Site Corrective Action.

Facility Closure Timeline

Below is a timeline for the Exide facility closure. Click the box with a date to view information related to that date.

The Vernon Environmental Response Trust (VERT) and its contractor concluded its work and completed decontamination and deconstruction of Segments 2 and 3. DTSC assumed Facility management duties and contracted National Engineering Consulting (NEC) to continue maintenance and permit compliance activities. In addition, DTSC resumed planning and implementation activities to complete Phase 1 Closure.

The VERT started work under the oversight of United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). Among other things, the VERT immediately resumed pending Segment 2 closure activities and began preparation for upcoming Segment 3 closure activities.

The VERT is created with DTSC and U.S. EPA as beneficiaries. The Trustee of the VERT is responsible for administration of the VERT including property management, implementation of approved environmental actions and finding a beneficial reuse of the property. The obligations of the VERT and Trustee, and other parties, are set forth in more detail in a governing Trust Agreement document.

The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware issued an order approving a bankruptcy settlement that allowed Exide to abandon the facility or transfer it to an environmental response trust. DTSC sought to have that confirmation order suspended, but the attempt was unsuccessful.

Exide filed for Chapter 11, liquidation bankruptcy, its third bankruptcy in a span of approximately 18 years.

Exide stopped all closure activities following the State’s and County’s stay-at-home orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, asserting that the pandemic and associated stay-at-home orders precluded such activities. DTSC disagreed with this assertion and ordered Exide to restart closure activities with additional health and safety measures to address COVID-19. Although Exide did not restart closure activities, they continued perimeter air monitoring and continued to maintain the Full Enclosure Unit, Wastewater Treatment Plant and security measures at the Site.

Closure implementation began.

Final Closure Implementation Plan approved.

DTSC released a Final Closure Plan and Final Environmental Impact Report for the former Exide lead-acid battery recycling facility in Vernon.

Exide withdrew its application for a Hazardous Waste Facility Permit after DTSC informed Exide of its plans to deny the permit application. DTSC terminated the facility’s interim status authorization to manage hazardous waste in May 2015. As a result, DTSC’s regulations required Exide to submit a Closure Plan to describe how the facility will be closed in a manner that is protective of public health and the environment. The Final Closure Plan was approved by DTSC on December 8, 2016 and is available below.



Final Closure Plan

The links below provide the materials included in the Final Closure Plan dated December 8, 2016.



Progress Photos of Decontamination and Deconstruction of Remaining Buildings

To view larger versions of the photos, hover over the photo and select the plus sign (+). To close the photo window, click on the “X” in the upper right corner.

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You may find additional information on the Cleanup Sites and Hazardous Waste Permitted Facilities in the EnviroStor database.

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