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Exide Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Investigation and Cleanup Chart

What do the categories in the Investigation and Cleanup chart mean?

Parcels within the Preliminary Investigation Area (PIA): A parcel is a plot of land with a unique identifying number assigned by the County. There can be multiple structures on one parcel. This number may change slightly as DTSC identifies and confirms residential areas within the PIA.

Parcels that DTSC has permission to sample: These are parcels where DTSC has received a verified access agreement and has permission to sample. Multiple verified access agreements have been received for some parcels because there can be multiple residences on one parcel. Verified access agreements exclude duplicate copies, parcels outside the PIA and unreadable copies.

Parcels Sampled: These are parcels that have been sampled by DTSC’s contractors for lead in soil.

Why has DTSC changed the Cleanup chart?

The Department has refined the data to more accurately reflect the progress made on the project. The data changes constantly and the Department will update the chart on a weekly basis.

How are Access Agreements verified?

All signed access agreements must be verified for accuracy. The process involves removing the following: duplicate agreements for the same parcel, agreements for properties outside the Preliminary Investigation Area, and unreadable agreements. Once an access agreement is verified, it is forwarded to the contractor to schedule and perform soil sampling.

How can I sign up for soil testing?

Submit the appropriate property owner or tenant Access Agreement form. You can find more information on how to sign up on our How to Sign Up for Soil Testing web page.

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Sampling and Results

When trying to figure the extent of contamination from Exide, why does DTSC start sampling close to the facility and work its way out?

The investigation of any site begins with the facility itself to identify the nature of contamination. Subsequently, the investigation is expanded outward to identify the extent of contamination. Typically, contamination tapers off further away from the source. This is standard practice in any investigation and any site cleanup.

Why did DTSC analyze soil samples for other metals?

Some metals, such as antimony, arsenic, cadmium, copper, nickel, and zinc are commonly associated with secondary lead-smelting operations. Antimony in particular is characteristic to battery smelting operations since lead-acid batteries contain lead alloy that contains about 5% antimony.

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Health Concerns

What can residents do to protect themselves from lead until their property is cleaned up?

Families can take steps to reduce exposure, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Avoid areas of bare soil or cover the areas of bare soil
  • Remove shoes before going into the home
  • Wash hands after coming in from outside
  • Wash fruits and vegetables from the yard before eating them

Do other chemicals from Exide, such as antimony or arsenic, threaten my health?

Other metals such as antimony, cadmium, and arsenic were found very near the Exide facility. The concentrations of these metals and the presence of elevated lead prompted DTSC to order Exide to immediately clean up the areas nearest the facility. This work has been completed and additional sampling is on-going. The early results of that sampling show that these other metals are well below the California Human Health Screening Levels (or CHHSSLs). In other words, not at levels that pose a threat to public health.

Why is DTSC encouraging residents living close to the Exide facility to have their blood tested for lead?

Blood testing is a good indicator of recent exposure to lead. It also enables experts to identify potential “hot spots” and expedite cleanup efforts to stop any further exposure. Blood testing is currently offered free of charge to residents in a select area surrounding the Exide facility. Contact the Los Angeles County Public Health Department for more information: 844-888-2290.

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Paying for Sampling and Cleanup

Initially, DTSC said Exide would have to clean up and pay for all of its contamination. Is that still true?

DTSC will hold Exide responsible for the contamination it has caused. We also will document our findings and identify other possible sources of lead contamination in the communities.

Exide has said its contamination doesn’t reach very far. How can DTSC prove Exide is responsible for the contamination?

Preliminary results of our analysis show that Exide’s contamination extends approximately 1.7 miles from the facility. Public health is our priority. Our immediate plan is to initiate cleanups and recover our costs later from all responsible parties, including Exide.

Are other parties responsible for lead contamination in addition to Exide?

DTSC will identify potential sources of lead contamination and use all legal avenues to recover costs from parties that caused lead contamination in the communities.

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Closure and Non-Residential Cleanup

What other cleanups are associated with the Exide site?

DTSC is overseeing sampling at the Exide facility to identify the nature and extent of contamination from their operations. We also are sampling in the industrial neighborhood adjacent or near the facility to determine what cleanup is needed. These are unrelated to the cleanups in the residential areas.

Where will toxic waste from the Exide plant be taken after it is removed?

Where the waste is taken depends on what kind of waste it is. Specific disposal locations will be included in the final Closure Plan. The public will get to review the draft Closure Plan and make comments before DTSC approves a final plan.

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Advisory Group and Technical Advisor

What is the role of the Exide Advisory Group?

The Advisory Group is made up of people with different viewpoints from regulatory agencies, local governments, academia, advocacy groups, and community representatives from areas around the Exide facility. The Advisory Group gives DTSC and other oversight agencies a way to include the community in the decision making process. It also helps keep the communities informed about sampling data, plans, and work done throughout the closure and cleanup process.

What is the role of the technical advisor?

The technical advisor helps community members interpret data and technical reports, and provides recommendations on cleanup and closure of the Exide facility to the community.

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