Safer Consumer Products

We are working toward safer California households, workplaces, and products.

Green Ribbon Science Panel

The Green Ribbon Science Panel (GRSP) acts as a resource and provides advice to DTSC’s Safer Consumer Products (SCP) Program on a variety of scientific and technical matters related to green chemistry, policy recommendations, and implementation of the SCP Regulations. Panel duties and required expertise were established in Health and Safety Code sections 25254 and 25255. To learn more about the current and past panel members and their expertise, please visit the GRSP Members webpage.

Topics the GRSP provides advice and input on include:

  • The development and implementation of Priority Product Work Plans;
  • The development of information, guidance and tools to help stakeholders perform the Alternatives Analysis process;
  • How best to use emerging research and science for the implementation of the SCP regulations;
  • Program and stakeholder information needs and recommendations on how to meet those needs, including application of the newest tools and methods.

All GRSP meetings are open to the public. Information about upcoming and past GRSP meetings is available on the GRSP Meetings webpage.

To view archived content related to GRSP, from before the start of the SCP Program, visit the GRSP Archives webpage.

California for All Logo Gavin Newsom
Office of the Governor

Visit his website

Yana Garcia Yana Garcia
Secretary for Environmental Protection

Visit her Profile

Katherine M. Butler, MPH, DirectorKatherine M. Butler, MPH

Visit her Profile