Managing Hazardous Waste

We protect the environment and communities by ensuring compliance with hazardous waste laws

Hazardous Waste Identification (ID) Numbers

What is a Hazardous Waste ID Number and Who Needs One?

A hazardous waste ID number is issued by either the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (federal ID numbers) or by DTSC (California State ID numbers). An ID number identifies each handler of hazardous waste on hazardous waste manifests and enables regulators to track the waste from its origin to final disposal, a process also referred to as “cradle to grave.” With a few exceptions (See Exemptions to a Hazardous Waste EPA ID Number), hazardous waste generators must have an ID number before a registered hazardous waste transporter accepts their waste for shipment. All hazardous waste transporters and permitted treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs) must have ID numbers.

How Many ID Numbers Do I Need?

Each facility where hazardous waste is generated requires a separate ID number. State ID numbers are site and owner-specific, and federal ID numbers are site-specific. If you have a business that generates waste at multiple addresses that are not physically connected (contiguous), each address needs a separate ID number. In the case where generators are independent businesses that operate in suites within the same building, each business must have its own ID number. If you are not clear as to whether you operate on one site or multiple sites, contact DTSC at 800-618-6942 or email

Types of Hazardous Waste ID Numbers

Permanent EPA ID numbers are issued to people or businesses who routinely generate or handle hazardous waste. Permanent EPA ID numbers are divided into two categories called State EPA and federal EPA ID numbers. The type of ID number you need to obtain is determined by the type and quantity of waste you generate. Please read below for explanations about State EPA and federal EPA ID numbers.

Temporary EPA ID numbers are issued to people or businesses who do not routinely generate hazardous waste. They are used for one time or short duration events, such as the following:

  • asbestos abatement
  • removing underground tanks
  • removing hazardous waste that was abandoned in a leased building
  • households performing certain remodeling activities
  • businesses with a one-time pick up of hazardous waste
  • demolition of a building.

Temporary ID numbers are valid for 90 days and cannot be renewed. You may request for a permanent State or federal EPA ID number if you need another ID number after your temporary ID number expires. Temporary EPA ID numbers are divided into two categories called State EPA or federal EPA ID numbers. The type of ID number you need to obtain is determined by the type and quantity of waste you generate. Please read below for explanations about State EPA and federal EPA ID numbers.

California State EPA ID numbers are issued to people and businesses who generate the following:

  • Less than 100 kg of RCRA hazardous waste per month 
  • Less than 1 kg of RCRA acutely hazardous waste per month
  • Any amount of a non-RCRA hazardous waste per month 

One hundred (100) kg is 220 pounds, which is about 27 gallons of liquid volume.

California-only waste is commonly known as non-RCRA waste. Examples of non-RCRA hazardous waste are used oil or universal waste. Examples of universal waste are fluorescent lamps, batteries, and mercury waste. State EPA ID numbers are owner and site specific. When the legal business owner and/or site location changes, a new State EPA ID number must be obtained. Please go to California Hazardous Waste Codes for a list of non-RCRA (California-only) waste codes.

Federal EPA ID numbers are issued to handlers of RCRA (federal) hazardous waste. If you or your business generates more than 100 kilograms of RCRA hazardous waste and/or more than 1 kilogram of RCRA acutely hazardous waste per month, you will need to obtain a federal EPA ID number. Federal EPA ID numbers are site specific. 

U.S. EPA now has an online tool called myRCRAid, a module of the RCRAInfo Industry Application, to help you get and update your site’s permanent federal EPA ID number. For more information go to Using myRCRAid

To learn more about RCRA hazardous waste, please go to the U.S. EPA’s Waste Code List and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 261.

Please go to California Hazardous Waste Codes for a list of non-RCRA (California-only) waste codes.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) ID Numbers

Only a government employee, not a contractor or consultant, can obtain household hazardous waste ID numbers.

Permanent HHW ID numbers are used for collection events reoccurring at the same site on a regular basis, such as once every 30-90 days or used for a collection site that is always open, such as a garbage facility.

Temporary HHW ID numbers are used for a one-time collection event and will be inactivated after 90 days. The application (see How To Apply for a Household Hazardous Waste ID Number) must be received at least 45 days prior to the event.

How to Apply for a Household Hazardous Waste ID Number

To apply for an HHW ID number, complete and submit the DTSC Form 1358. Please indicate “Permanent Household Hazardous Waste” or “Temporary Household Hazardous Waste” at the top of the application. If it’s a one-time single collection event, also include the date of the event and the event name, if applicable, at the top of the application. Email the completed application to with “Household Hazardous Waste Request” in the subject line of the email.

For multiple collection events at different sites, the applicant needs an HHW ID number for each location. If the same site is used more than once, get a permanent HHW ID number. For one-time use, get a temporary HHW ID number.

If the event is a door-to-door event, then the site location address will be the address of the consolidation site or the address of the government agency.

Emergency EPA ID Numbers

Emergency hazardous waste EPA identification (ID) numbers are issued for emergencies involving hazardous waste, such as a spill or a clandestine lab cleanup, and are generally only given to government agencies or their contractors.

There are two categories of emergency ID numbers issued:

Emergency federal EPA ID numbers are required for 220 pounds (100 kg) or more of RCRA hazardous waste, and/or 2.2 pounds (1 kg) or more of acutely hazardous waste. Emergency State ID numbers are issued for all other hazardous waste.

To obtain an emergency ID number, call one of the following numbers:

During normal business hours, call DTSC at (800) 618-6942 if you are calling from within the U.S. For after-hours assistance, contact the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) at (800) 852-7550.

Exemptions to a Hazardous Waste ID Number

Generators producing 220 pounds (100 kg) or less of RCRA hazardous waste, which is hazardous only because of silver (e.g. spent photo-processing solutions), do not require a hazardous waste ID number. However, this exemption does not apply if the generator produces any other hazardous waste.