Military Munitions Rule Manifest Exemption
DTSC encourages all interested parties to subscribe to the MMRME E-List to receive updates and information regarding the adoption of the Military Munitions Rule Manifest Exemption (MMRME) in California.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (U.S. EPA’s) Military Munitions Rule Manifest Exemption (MMRME) went into effect in 1997. However, because California is an authorized state the MMRME does not take effect in California until DTSC adopts the rule through the rulemaking process.
To summarize, the MMRME exempts all generators and transporters of hazardous waste, not just the military, from the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for the transportation of hazardous waste under certain conditions such as the following:
- Hazardous waste transported on public or private right-of-ways of contiguous properties
- The public or private right-of-ways are on or along the border of contiguous properties
- The contiguous properties are under the control of the same person
The MMRME can apply regardless of whether the contiguous properties are divided by right-of-ways. This revision is expected to reduce the paperwork burden, for hazardous waste generators whose property is divided by right-of-ways without loss in protection of public health.
More information about the MMRME can be found in the Federal Register where the MMRME is published and contains detailed information regarding U.S. EPA’s rationale for adopting the rule.
Next Steps and Information Request
DTSC will prepare a major rulemaking to adopt the MMRME into California Code of Regulations. DTSC will provide periodic updates on the progress with the rulemaking process both on this web page as well as through the MMRME E-List. DTSC encourages all interested parties to subscribe to the MMRME E-List.
Still Have Questions?
If you have additional questions about this rule or DTSC’s regulation adoption activities, please refer back to the DTSC Regulations webpage. The MMRME webpage serves to provide information and updates on the status of this rule in California.
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