Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

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Exide Home  >  National Priorities Listing (NPL) Request

Exide National Priorities Listing (NPL) Request

United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) LogoOn July 1, 2022, the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) has formally requested that the former Exide facility in Vernon, and surrounding communities, be added to U.S. EPA’s National Priorities List (NPL) also known as the Superfund. This would provide potentially millions of federal dollars for cleanup and expedite the remainder of the Exide cleanup.

DTSC will provide U.S. EPA with information necessary to complete its review of the NPL request. First, DTSC will submit a Pre-CERCLA Screening checklist. Then, the site will be scored per the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) scoring methodology. If it scores high enough to warrant listing, it will go through a public notice and comment period to list it under the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). U.S. EPA may perform additional characterization as necessary, such as additional groundwater characterization. It takes approximately two years to go through the NPL process. Cleanup of the facility and surrounding communities will continue during this time.

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