Managing Hazardous Waste

We protect the environment and communities by ensuring compliance with hazardous waste laws

Photovoltaic Modules (PV modules) – Universal Waste Management Regulations

Annual Report for PV Modules Universal Waste Management is due on February 1, 2023

Universal waste handlers that accept more than 100 kilograms (or 200 pounds) of PV modules from any offsite source or that generate 5,000 kilograms (or 10,000 pounds) or more of PV modules in the calendar year 2022 shall submit a completed written annual report by February 1 of 2023.

UW handlers that conduct disassembling and processing treatment activities of PV modules in the calendar year 2022 shall submit a completed written annual report by February 1 of 2023.

Electronic submission of the annual report is currently not available.

DTSC UW PV modules annual report forms are available to use. The forms DTSC provide are optional to use. UW handlers may submit the annual report to DTSC, without using the form DTSC provides, as long as all the required information are included in the report [22 Cal. Code Regs. § 66273.32(f)(3).]

Annual Report Form for UW PV modules

PV modules Additional Shipped-to Location Template for the Annual Report  

Submit the written annual report to:

Department of Toxic Substances Control
Universal Waste Notification and Reporting Staff
P.O. Box 806
Sacramento, CA 95812-0806
ATTN: Universal Waste Handling Activities

Notify DTSC of PV Modules Handling, Authorized Treatment, and Disposal Activities

Starting January 1, 2021, businesses that intend to manage waste PV modules as universal waste (UW) shall notify DTSC of the universal waste management activities. You can use DTSC’s notification forms provided below to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) to handle, treat, or dispose of PV modules. Notification must be submitted for each universal waste handling facility.

Notification Form to handle UW PV modules

Notification Form to treat UW PV modules 

Notification Form to dispose UW PV modules

Submit the written notification to:

Department of Toxic Substances Control
Universal Waste Notification and Reporting Staff
P.O. Box 806
Sacramento, CA 95812-0806
ATTN: Universal Waste Handling Activities

In addition to the onetime notification, universal waste handlers that accept more than 100 kilograms (or 200 pounds) of PV modules from any offsite source or that generate 5,000 kilograms (or 10,000 pounds) or more of PV modules in a calendar year shall submit a completed written annual report by February 1 of the following year.

In addition to the onetime notification, UW handlers that conduct disassembling and processing treatment activities of PV modules in a calendar year shall submit a completed written annual report by February 1 of the following year.

Electronic submission of the notification or annual report is currently not available.

This link contains a list of universal waste handlers that currently accept and accumulate PV modules. This list is updated as new information becomes available. 

This link contains a list of universal waste handlers that currently recycle and treat PV modules. This list is updated as new information becomes available. 

Universal Waste PV Modules Export Requirements

Universal wastes are still a hazardous waste. Universal waste management standards for PV modules apply only in California. If the waste is shipped to another state from California, a hazardous waste determination must be made (CCR 66262.11) to determine if the waste is a RCRA hazardous waste. Then the waste must be managed according to all applicable state and federal requirements based on that hazardous waste determination. Hazardous waste determination can be made either by generator’s knowledge of the waste or Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test method for RCRA hazardous waste. Hazardous waste determination as specified in Section 66261.24(a)(2) does not apply for wastes that are shipped outside of California.  

For universal wastes that are exported outside of the country, export requirements are specified in Article 4 of 22 CCR Ch 23. There are no additional federal or state requirements for PV modules exported outside of the country.

December 17, 2020, Public Webinar

DTSC held a public webinar on December 17, 2020, to present information on the recently approved regulation to manage waste photovoltaic modules (PV modules), commonly known as solar panels, as universal waste under California’s Universal Waste Program. The webinar is intended to familiarize people with the requirements of the new regulation for managing PV modules as universal waste under California’s Universal Waste Program.

Photovoltaic Modules - Universal Waste Management Regulations Approval

DTSC’s new PV modules regulation, allowing them to be managed under California’s universal waste program, was recently approved by Office of Administrative Law (OAL) and will be effective starting January 1, 2021. 

DTSC Reference Number: R-2017-04
OAL Reference Number: Z-2019-0409-04

Please be sure to check the website for more information as DTSC continues to update this website. 

Please visit the following Final Regulations webpage for the final regulation rulemaking information.

The Law:

On October 1, 2015, SB 489 (Monning, Chapter 419) was enacted to add section 25259 to Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5, Article 17, which authorizes the Department to adopt regulations to designate end-of-life photovoltaic modules that are identified as hazardous waste as a universal waste and subject those modules to universal waste management.

Frequently Asked Questions:

DTSC has accumulated questions that are being asked regarding universal waste management of photovoltaic modules. Please take a look at the questions and answers that we have provided. We will update this list as more questions become available.

If you have any further questions, please email us at

Click here to read the FAQs.