Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

We protect and maintain California’s land and places
by setting strict standards for land restoration and cleanup

Exide Home  >  Residential Cleanup  > Parkways Cleanup

Exide Residential Parkways Cleanup

For questions concerning the Residential Parkways Cleanup,
call the DTSC Exide Cleanup Project Information Hotline: (844) 225-3887

Parkways are narrow strips of land accessible to the public adjacent to public streets. Many are found between sidewalks and curbs and contain grass or shrubbery. Parkways were not sampled for lead during residential sampling.

Senate Bill 840 appropriated funding for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to conduct lead sampling of soil in as many parkways as feasible adjacent to properties prioritized for cleanup within an approximate 1.7-mile radius of the former Exide Battery Recycling Facility. After sampling was completed, any remaining funds were to be used to clean up the parkways with the greatest lead levels and highest risk of exposure. Cleanup of the parkways will comply with the California Environmental Quality Act. 

In November 2019, DTSC sampled and evaluated over 8,000 parkways. Currently, funding for the parkways has been made available by the Legislature and DTSC is ready to proceed with parkways cleanup as of September 2024.

Cleanup activities shall include excavation and disposal of soil impacted by metals (lead, arsenic, antimony, cadmium, copper and zinc). Additional pre-excavation soil sampling is not anticipated at this time.

Below are example photos of parkways within the Preliminary Investigation Area.   

Link to Parkways Interactive Map


Screenshot of the Parkways Interactive Map with text Interactive Map overlay


Status of Parkways Cleanup Progress as of December 6, 2024

North Area Parkways

City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles and City of Commerce

Identified for Cleanup:

Cleanup Completed:

South Area Parkways

Cities of Bell, Huntington Park and Maywood

Identified for Cleanup:

Cleanup Completed:

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