Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

We protect and maintain California’s land and places
by setting strict standards for land restoration and cleanup

Soil Smarts: DTSC’s Interactive Learning Series on the Background Cleanup at SSFL

Welcome to the resources page for the Soil Smart Learning Series. Here, you’ll find videos, fact sheets, and FAQs covering key concepts from the SSFL Soil Smarts workshops held in Fall of 2024.  

The Soil Smarts workshops were a two-part series of educational meetings on the next phase of implementing the soil cleanup at SSFL, focusing on the DOE and NASA background cleanup of chemical contaminants in soils. DTSC is committed to a soil cleanup to local background levels for the DOE and NASA areas of SSFL. 

The first Soil Smarts workshop was held online on November 20, 2024 and included a presentation by DTSC followed by a question and answer period. The presentation material and a recording of the meeting are provided below:

SSFL Feedback Management System

STREAM, the SSFL Tool for Response, Engagement, and Answer Management allows community members to ask questions, report issues, or leave comments relating to the SSFL Cleanup efforts and allows DTSC to provide timely responses and track feedback. 

Watch the How to use STREAM video

For the second Soil Smarts Workshop (held in person on December 10, 2024), we recommend watching the below videos in order, starting with Video 1: Background on Background, and finishing with Video 5: Unearthing a Better Approach. The companion fact sheets are numbered to match each video for easy reference. All of the videos can be found on our YouTube playlist: Soils Smarts.

If you have questions, please reach out to the SSFL Team using the SSFL Feedback Management System: STREAM.  

Press the button below to follow along with the corresponding fact sheet which gives a short introduction to the DTSC Chemical Background Study.

Press the button below to follow along with the corresponding fact sheet a comparative approach to soil cleanup.      

Press the button below to follow along with the corresponding fact sheet which gives an introduction to the multiple lines of evidence approach. 

Press the button below to follow along with the corresponding fact sheet on how soil data sets the recipe for soil removal to local background.

Press the button below to follow along with the corresponding fact sheet on navigating false positives in background soils.

California for All Logo Gavin Newsom
Office of the Governor

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Yana Garcia Yana Garcia
Secretary for Environmental Protection

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Katherine M. Butler, MPH, DirectorKatherine M. Butler, MPH

Visit her Profile