Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

We protect and maintain California’s land and places
by setting strict standards for land restoration and cleanup

Santa Susana Field Laboratory Other Agencies

State, federal and local government agencies play a role in the cleanup at the former Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL). The primary agencies involved are listed below, along with a description of their roles and responsibilities in the SSFL cleanup. Contact information for each agency can be found in the Other Agency Contacts page of this site.

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) – Radiological Health Branch

CDPH is a Responsible Agency under CEQA for the SSFL project. As such, DTSC consulted with them during the preparation of PEIR. Additionally, DTSC is consulting with CDPH on cleanup of radiological contamination in Boeing areas of responsibility at SSFL.

Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) – Los Angeles Region

RWQCB is the lead agency responsible for regulating surface water discharge activities at SSFL. Under the authority of the Clean Water Act, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act, and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), RWQCB sets maximum limits for chemical and radiological contaminants in surface water being discharged from the site. These limits, along with requirements for discharge sampling, are detailed in the site’s NPDES Permit. The NPDES Permit must be renewed every five years. Additionally, RWQCB regulates groundwater in accordance with State Water Resources Control Board’s Resolution No. 92-49. RWQCB shares responsibility with DTSC for monitoring discharges to groundwater and has an active role in the SSFL groundwater remediation program. Groundwater is not generally regulated under the federal Clean Water Act but is regulated by the California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act.

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Under the Atomic Energy Act, DOE has the authority to set cleanup criteria for radiological materials and set radiological protection standards at its facilities. DOE signed the 2010 Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) that governs the radiological cleanup of soils in Area IV. With consultation from CDPH and US EPA, DTSC provides direction for radiological contamination related activity at SSFL ensuring that regulations and the AOC are followed. DOE provides project funding and oversight of environmental monitoring and restoration achieved through the Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC) in Area IV at SSFL.

DOE oversaw decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) of the inactive and surplus DOE facilities at SSFL that were contaminated with radioactive or hazardous materials. Now, all above-ground portions of DOE ETEC facilities have been removed from the SSFL site. They were disposed of at licensed low-level radioactive waste handling facilities outside California.

The 2010 AOC will guide the cleanup of remaining chemical and radiological contamination in soil in DOE’s areas of responsibility.

Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD)

VCAPCD is the lead agency responsible for regulating non-radioactive air emissions at SSFL. VCAPCD establishes and enforces local air pollution regulations that meet or exceed requirements of the Federal and California State Clean Air Acts, and the California Health and Safety Code. They also issue permits for construction, modification and operation of equipment and processes that may result in air emissions. The SSFL site has VCAPCD air permits covering various process equipment as well as treatment facilities and equipment. More information regarding VCAPCD issued air permits can be obtained from the VCAPCD.

Ventura County Environmental Health Division (VCEHD)

Through an agreement with the State of California, VCEHD enforces regulations on hazardous waste generation, including shipping documentation and temporary on-site storage. VCEHD also administers state requirements for developing a risk management and prevention program, which are required of all facilities that store hazardous materials.

Ventura County Fire Department (VCFD)

VCFD is the primary fire prevention, fire response, and emergency response agency at SSFL. VCFD provides emergency response services for fires, search and rescue, and hazardous material spills/releases for Ventura County. During the 2018 Woolsey Fire, VCFD were the first responders.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

US EPA does not have direct oversight in the SSFL cleanup. The AOC agreements between DTSC, DOE and NASA require US EPA consultation on radiological issues regarding confirmation sampling and imported backfill. In the past, US EPA conducted the comprehensive radiological survey of SSFL Area IV (2009-2012), assisted in the development of the Provisional Radiological Look-Up Tables (2012), and provided logistical support for community Workgroup meetings and technical consultation at DTSC public meetings.