Managing Hazardous Waste

We protect the environment and communities by ensuring compliance with hazardous waste laws

SB 673 Permit Criteria – Community Protection

SB 673 Track 2 Revised Framework

We are sharing two of three information sheets on our proposed regulatory framework. Read, share, and provide feedback on the revised framework and both information sheets.

We want your feedback!

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Information Sheet #1

Community Engagement

Printable Poster - Do not dispose of unwanted electronic waste in the trash!

Information Sheet #2

Community Vulnerability

Printable Poster - Do not dispose of unwanted electronic waste in the trash!

» Do you need this information sheet in a different language? Contact Gerry Dietrich at


When Senate Bill (SB) 673 was signed into law, it provided an important opportunity for the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to improve the permitting process for hazardous waste facilities and increase community protection through stronger permit criteria.

Implementing SB 673

To thoroughly develop and effectively implement SB 673, DTSC divided the regulations into two tracks and between those two tracks there are seven permit criteria. In 2019, DTSC implemented Track 1 which included five of the seven permit criteria. DTSC is currently working towards implementing the final two permit criteria in Track 2.

Track 1

Hazardous Waste Facility Permitting Criteria

Track 2

Vulnerable Communities and Cumulative Impacts Permitting Criteria

What We’ve Completed

Track 1

Past Violations

DTSC developed the Violations Scoring Procedure to score past violations in permit decisions.

Financial Assurance & Responsibility

To satisfy these two criteria, DTSC developed new regulations to ensure hazardous waste facilities pay to clean up any contamination at the site.

Personnel Training

DTSC required permitted hazardous waste facilities to ensure personnel were trained in safety, emergency plans, and maintenance of operations.

Health Risk Assessment

DTSC required all permitted hazardous waste facilities to assess and report the health risk they pose to nearby workers and communities.

What We’re Currently Working On

Track 2

DTSC is currently working on regulations to address how the remaining items in SB 673 will be considered in permit criteria. 

Community Vulnerability and Health Risks

Setback Distances

Revised Framework Information Sheets

DTSC considered public input on the 2021 Draft Framework and the language in SB 673 to develop the revised framework. The revised framework will be shared in three information sheets that align with the goals of the revised framework:


Provide earlier opportunities for public input

Consider community vulnerability in permit decisions and conditions

Develop science-based setback distance for community protection

Public Activities and Events

Learn about DTSC’s outreach efforts, events, and past activities related to SB 673 Track 2.

Learn more!

Recent Events

DTSC Provides Updates on the SB 673 Implementation Progress

DTSC presented the first of three information sheets (Information Sheet #1 – Community Engagement) to the BES on August 29, 2024.

How to Get Involved


Subscribers will receive emails regarding news on topics relevant to SB 673.

Public Engagement

DTSC is gathering information to develop more outreach and communication activities.

Public Comment

We are interested in your thoughts on our revised framework.

Coming Soon!

Primary Contact

Contact DTSC about SB 673 by email at or by using the “Contact Us” button below. 

Last updated: October 28, 2024

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