Early-stage SCP Projects
- Candidate Chemicals in Adhesives
- Candidate Chemicals in Artificial Turf
- Chemicals in Children’s Products
- Candidate Chemicals in Hair Dyes
- Children’s Exposures to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Consumer Products
- Cleaning and Personal Care Products Containing Fragrances
- Cleaning and Personal Care Products Containing Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs)
- Floor Polishes and Waxes containing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)
- Hair Straightening Products
- Hair Straightening Products Containing Sodium Hydroxide
- Leave-On Products Containing Parabens
- Menstrual Products
- Products that Contain or Generate Microplastics
Candidate Chemicals in Adhesives
We are conducting screening research on Candidate Chemicals in adhesives. Adhesives often comprise multiple Candidate Chemicals and have the potential for exposure across their life cycles. Because of their diverse applications and widespread use in many industries, we are evaluating them in several product categories. We plan to release a public background document and hold a public workshop in 2025 to share our findings.
Candidate Chemicals in Artificial Turf
We are concerned about the potential for adverse impacts to humans and the environment from exposure to Candidate Chemicals in artificial turf. We evaluated several chemical classes potentially present in artificial turf blades and backing – per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), ortho-phthalates, colorants, antioxidants, light stabilizers, and UV stabilizers. Some of these chemicals are associated with human health and environmental hazards such as respiratory toxicity, endocrine toxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, environmental persistence, and bioaccumulation.
For more information, please see the Background Document on Candidate Chemicals in Artificial Turf and Public Workshop Resources.
Following our preliminary screening and public engagement efforts, we are conducting additional research to draft a Product-Chemical Profile document for artificial turf containing PFASs. PFASs may be used as an additive in artificial turf or its manufacturing equipment, and their presence in artificial turf can contribute to adverse public health and environmental impacts.
Candidate Chemicals in Children’s Products
We conducted a high-level review of chemicals in children’s products to determine which Candidate Chemicals to prioritize for additional research. We selected phthalates, styrene, and formaldehyde based on their prevalence in products, the availability of existing research, and the severity of their hazard traits. Based on our evaluation, we are concerned about potential exposures and adverse impacts from the presence of these chemicals in children’s products. For more information, see the background document that summarizes our research on these Candidate Chemicals in children’s products. We hosted a virtual public workshop to view more webinars and presentations on November 20, 2024, and are accepting comments via our CalSAFER website through January 2, 2025. As our next step, we are conducting additional research to draft a Product-Chemical Profile document for children’s products containing phthalates.
Candidate Chemicals in Hair Dyes
We are conducting screening research on hair dyes for the presence of Candidate Chemicals. Hair dyes are used occupationally as well as for personal use. The duration and frequency of application can result in increased exposures to Candidate Chemicals. We will use the results from this evaluation to determine our next steps on this topic.
Children’s Exposures to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Consumer Products
In collaboration with the University of Michigan, we are using the USEtox exposure modeling tool to evaluate children’s exposures to known and potential endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), focusing on Bisphenol A in toys and parabens in personal care products. The project will include a comparative exposure assessment between these EDCs and their potential chemical alternatives. The results of this work will be released in three publications in 2024 and 2025.
Cleaning and Personal Care Products Containing Fragrances
We are evaluating fragrance chemicals in personal care and household cleaning products, including their hazard traits and use. Fragrance chemicals are ubiquitous in personal care and cleaning products but are seldom disclosed on the ingredient label. Consumers’ exposure to fragrance chemicals is widespread and has been associated with various health problems. We will release a public background document in late 2025 and hold a public workshop in early 2026 to share our findings.
Cleaning and Personal Care Products Containing Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs)
We evaluated the hazard traits of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) and their uses in cleaning and personal care products. The use of QACs increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in greater human and environmental exposure to this class of chemicals. For more information, see the Background Document on Quaternary Ammonium Compounds in Cleaning Products and Beauty, Personal Care, and Hygiene Products. We are accepting comments on this document via our CalSAFER website through February 25, 2025. We also hosted a public workshop on January 14, 2025 to share our findings.
For further information on QACs, please see the following publication co-written by SCP staff: Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: A Chemical Class of Emerging Concern
Floor Polishes and Waxes Containing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)
We are investigating floor polishes and waxes containing PFASs for potential listing as a Priority Product. PFASs are added to these products to help them spread evenly on surfaces. PFASs are persistent chemicals, and their use in floor polishes and waxes can contribute to adverse public health and environmental impacts. We plan to release a draft Priority Product Profile and hold a public pre-regulatory workshop in 2025.
Hair Straightening Products
We are conducting screening research on temporary and permanent hair straightening products for the presence of Candidate Chemicals. Hair straightening products are used on a frequent basis by sensitive subpopulations including women and children of color and can result in high exposure to Candidate Chemicals. Results from this evaluation will be used to determine the next steps for SCP regarding this product.
For more information, please see the Chemicals in Hair Straightening Products Background Document and Public Workshop Resources.
Hair Straightening Products Containing Sodium Hydroxide
We are evaluating the use of sodium hydroxide in hair straightening products. Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, is used in hair straightening products to alter the natural curl pattern. During its use, this product-chemical combination typically has a pH high enough to be corrosive and cause adverse impacts to the skin and eyes. We will use the results from this evaluation to determine our next steps regarding this product-chemical combination.
For more information, please see the Chemicals in Hair Straightening Products Background Document and Public Workshop Resources.
Leave-On Products Containing Parabens
Parabens are used as preservatives in many personal care products, including those that are skin-applied and frequently used by consumers, leading to a potential for aggregate exposure. We concluded a high-level review of propyl- and butylparaben in skin-applied leave-on products. We will release a public background document and hold a public workshop to share our results by the end of 2024. Based on our preliminary findings, we have started conducting additional research and drafting a Product-Chemical Profile for leave-on products containing butylparaben.
Menstrual Products
We are conducting screening research on menstrual products, including pads and tampons, for the presence of Candidate Chemicals. Menstruating individuals come into intimate contact with menstrual products multiple times a month for up to 40 years over a lifespan, resulting in high exposure to Candidate Chemicals through these products. We plan to release a public background document in early 2025 and hold a public workshop to share our findings.
Products that Contain or Generate Microplastics
We are in the early stages of evaluating consumer products that may contain or generate microplastics during their product life cycle. Microplastics are plastic particles smaller than 5 millimeters in their longest dimension. Due to their high mobility and environmental persistence, microplastics have become widespread in all ecosystems. Available data suggest that over 180 species, including humans, are exposed to microplastics, and that some of these exposures may be harmful. We will release a public background document and hold a public workshop in 2025 to share our findings.
SCP Key Info
- About Safer Consumer Products
- Program Overview
- Candidate Chemicals
- Priority Product Work Plan
- Priority Products
- Alternatives Analysis
- Regulatory Response
- Compliance & Enforcement
- Research Studies
- Early-stage SCP Projects
- Information Call-in
- Healthy Nail Salon Recognition Program
- Limiting Copper in Brake Pads
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