Hazardous Waste Temporary Federal EPA ID Numbers
Temporary federal ID numbers are issued to individuals and businesses that do not regularly produce RCRA hazardous waste in quantities greater than 27 gallons or 220 lbs (100 kg) and/or 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of acutely hazardous waste per month. These EPA ID numbers are active for 90 days and are used for one-time or short-duration events.
How do I obtain a Temporary Federal EPA ID Number?
To apply for a temporary federal EPA ID number, you will need to fill out and submit US EPA Form 8700-12 – RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form. You have two options for submitting the form. We suggest submitting the form electronically for quicker processing.
I want to Submit US EPA Form 8700-12:
To submit US EPA Form 8700-12 electronically, you will need to have a myRCRAid account. MyRCRAid is a module of the RCRAInfo System created by the US EPA to help you obtain or update information on a federal EPA ID number.
I do not have a myRCRAid account.
- Register as an Industry User for a myRCRAid account through the myRCRAInfo System.
- After you have successfully created an account, you will then be able to complete US EPA Form 8700-12 electronically.
- For more information on how to register for myRCRAid and instructions on completing US EPA 8700-12 electronically, visit the Using myRCRAid page.
I have a myRCRAid account.
- Login to myRCRAInfo System to complete US EPA Form 8700-12.
- For instructions on completing US EPA 8700-12 electronically, visit the Using myRCRAid page.
The processing time for electronic submissions are 7-10 business days from the date DTSC verifies that your application is complete.
By Mail
Download US EPA Form 8700-12. The application begins on page 113. Only application with original “wet” signatures will be accepted. Please mail the application to the following address:
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Attn: RCRA Notifications
P.O. Box 806
Sacramento, CA 95812-0806
UPS or FedEx overnight mailing address
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Attn: RCRA Notifications
1001 I Street, MS 11-A
Sacramento, CA 95814
The processing time for paper submissions is 10-15 business days from the date DTSC verifies that your application is complete.
Federal and State Waste Codes
In U.S. EPA Form 8700-12, you will need to list at least one federal and at least one State waste code. For federal waste codes, please go to the U.S. EPA’s Waste Code List and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 261. Please go to California Hazardous Waste Codes for a list of non-RCRA (California-only) waste codes.
Federal ID Numbers on Tribal Land
Hazardous Waste Links
- Hazardous Waste Home
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- Hazardous Waste ID Numbers
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- Form 1358
- California Hazardous Waste Codes
Hazardous Waste Related Links
- Annual/Biennial Reports
- Annual Fee Summary
- Customer Billing Portal (Cost Recovery)
- DTSC Advisory on the Management of Spent Fuels
- EnviroStor
- Hazardous Waste Publications
- Find a Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter
- Hazardous Waste Policies & Procedures
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- Imports and Exports of Hazardous Waste
- Kettleman Hills Facility
- Land Use Restriction Sites
- Office of Criminal Investigations
- PV Modules (Solar Panels)
- Regulatory Assistance Office
- Report an Environmental Concern
- Retail Waste