Managing Hazardous Waste

We protect the environment and communities by ensuring compliance with hazardous waste laws

Conditional Exclusion for Chemically Treated Metal Shredder Residue (CTMSR)

DTSC Reference Number: R-2018-01

Public Workshop

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) held an informal public workshop on June 26, 2018 to present information on proposed regulations to establish a Conditional Exclusion for Chemically Treated Metal Shredder Residue (CTMSR). DTSC proposed these new regulations to add safeguards that will provide enhanced protection for human health, safety, and the environment. Stakeholders could attend the workshop in-person or view the presentation remotely via live Webcast. The workshop was held at the following time and location:

Date:  June 26, 2018
Time:  1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (PST)

DTSC Sacramento Regional Office – Cal Center
8800 Cal Center Drive, Room A-1
Sacramento, CA 95826-3200


Important Documents

*Please note that this informal public workshop was not, nor was it intended to be, a formal public hearing on the proposed regulations conducted pursuant to the California Administrative Procedure Act (Government Code, section 11340 et seq.)(“APA”). Should DTSC decide to move forward with a rulemaking to adopt proposed regulations, a formal public hearing in compliance with the APA will be held at a later date.