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Consolidated Universal Waste Regulations and Authorized Treatment of Electronic Hazardous Waste

DTSC Reference Number: R-2006-02
OAL Reference Number: Z-2008-0616-03

OAL Approval Date: 02/04/09
Secretary of State Filing Date: 02/04/09
Effective Date: 02/04/09

Universal wastes are hazardous wastes that are generated by a wide variety of people. Examples include TVs, cell phones, computers, computer monitors, batteries and fluorescent tubes. Universal waste rules allow common, low-hazard wastes to be managed under less stringent requirements than other hazardous wastes. California adopted its first set of universal waste regulations in 2002. Since that time, several other common wastes have been added to the list of universal wastes. These include mercury containing wastes, electronic devices, and cathode ray tubes (CRTs, or TV picture tubes).  The latest set of regulations consolidated the universal waste regulations and adopted standards for the treatment of electronic hazardous wastes.  The current regulations became effective February 4, 2009.