Managing Hazardous Waste

We protect the environment and communities by ensuring compliance with hazardous waste laws

Lead in Jewelry Compliance


Testing: The testing methods for determining compliance with this law are EPA Method 3050B, EPA Method 3051A, and EPA Method 3052, as specified in EPA Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846.

Please consult the full text of the law for additional information on sample preparation procedures and specific testing procedures for the following types of materials:

  • Metal plated with suitable undercoats and finish coats
  • Unplated metal and metal substrates that are not a class 1 material
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • Plastic or rubber that is not PVC, including acrylic, polystyrene, plastic beads, or plastic stones
  • Coatings on glass and plastic pearls
  • Dyes, paints, coating, varnish, printing inks, ceramic glazes, glass or crystal
  • Glass and crystal used in children’s jewelry weight determinations

The law allows DTSC to adopt regulations that modify these testing protocols in the future, if necessary.

Failure to comply with this law may result in civil penalties up to $2,500 per day for each violation.

For a list of certified laboratories that can administer these tests please visit:

Note: Not all certified laboratories may offer these testing methods. You should verify with each laboratory before providing them with your samples.

Recent changes to California’s Metal Containing Jewelry Law

In 2011, Governor Brown signed into law Senate Bill 646 (SB 646) (Pavley, Stats. 2011, c.473). SB 646 deleted provisions specifying that a party that is a signatory to the amended consent judgment or a signatory to the consent judgment in the consolidated action entitled People v. Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation, et al. (Alameda Superior Court Lead Case No. RG04-162075) is deemed to be in compliance with California law.  SB 646 also revised the definition of the term “jewelry” to include tie clips and clarified certification requirements for jewelry suppliers and/or manufacturers.