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Universal Waste Lights

AB 1109 Lighting Task Force Report

The AB 1109 Lighting Task Force Report is available for download.

DTSC convenes a Task Force to address AB 1109

Variety of fluorescent lamps and CFL'sAssemblymember Huffman authored AB 1109 which successfully passed in 2007. This bill set new energy efficiency standards for general purpose lighting, prohibits the manufacture and sale of general purpose lighting after January 1, 2010 unless certain conditions are met, and required DTSC to convene a Task Force to consider and make recommendations to the Legislature on:

  1. The most effective, cost-efficient, and convenient method for the consumer to provide for the proper collection and recycling of any end-of-life general purpose lights generated in this state.
  2. Methods to educate consumers about the proper management and collection opportunities for end-of-life general purpose lights.
  3. Designations on the general purpose light and light packaging regarding the proper recycling of the light and compliance of the light with this article.

On March 6th, 2008, DTSC first assembled a Task Force of members from various sectors including the following;

  • Lighting Industry- Philips, Osram/Sylvania, and GE
  • Environmental Organizations- Sierra Club and Californians Against Waste
  • Retailers- Wal Mart, IKEA, and California Retailers Association
  • Local Government- San Francisco, Santa Clara, Rural Counties’ ESJPA
  • State Government- DTSC, CIWMB, CEC
  • Utilities – PG&E, and Southern California Edison

This Task Force has been working hard to address the three tasks as specified by Assemblymember Huffman in AB 1109. Below is a list of Task Force meetings that took place.

  • March 4, 2008
  • April 9, 2008
  • April 28, 2008
  • May 20, 2008
  • June 12, 2008 9-10:30am
  • June 16, 2008 9am-12pm

Several documents have been submitted for comments. The following options are collection and recycling possibilities that the Task Force is currently reviewing.

  • Option A – This options was originally submitted by DTSC and Debbie Raphael. However, due to feedback, the authors have decided to remove the it from consideration in favor of Option E.
  • Option B – As submitted by Michael Huls. This option was also formally known as A-2.
  • Option C – As submitted by Tim Goncharoff
  • Option D – Was a place holder for the manufacturers. However, they have submitted “Option M” instead.
  • Option E – As submitted by DTSC staff and Debbie Raphael
  • Option M – As submitted by Manufacturers. Updated 6-6-2008
  • Option R – As submitted by ALMR
  • Table of Options B – E

Summary of the roles and responsibilities of all parties under each option. To submit your comments on any or all of the options above, please use the following format.

Comments for Collection and Recycling Options as Submitted to the Task Force. Updated 6-6-2008.

Manufacturers Comments are submitted separately only due to time constraints and length of document. Submitted 6-6-2008.

Comments Format – No one is required to submit comments on any or all of the options presented. However, if comments are made, it must be submitted in this format in order to be included in the report.