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Lead Wheel Weights

California’s Lead in Wheel Weights Restriction

As of January 1, 2010, California law prohibits the manufacture, sale, or installation of wheel weights containing more than 0.1% lead. A person violating this law may be penalized up to $2500 per day per violation. See California Health and Safety Code Section 25215.6-7 (opens new window).

Watch how tire installers are making the switch from lead-free wheel weights:  

Click here to view the Alternative assessment report on lead wheel weights.

Facts About Lead Wheel Weights

  • 1.6 million pounds fall off each year
  • Lead contaminates and endangers the aquatic food web
  • Roadway traffic grinds lead wheel weights into dust which contaminates the air
  • Lead dust from wheel weights is washed into storm drains that connect to creeks, rivers, lakes and ocean
  • Lead poses a danger to the environment because it can inhibit growth processes in plants and marine algae and can alter blood chemistry in fish, amphibians, and birds (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contaminant Hazard Review Report No. 14).