Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

We protect and maintain California’s land and places
by setting strict standards for land restoration and cleanup

Santa Susana Field Laboratory Site Activity Overview

Site Activity Overview  |  Facility Investigation  |  Interim Measures

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) oversees a comprehensive environmental investigation, monitoring and cleanup program of contamination at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL).

Site Operations and History

The Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) site consists of four administrative areas used for research, development, and test operations as well as undeveloped (buffer) areas. The 2,849-acre site is located in the Simi Hills area of Ventura County, approximately 30 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. SSFL is between 1,640 and 2,250 feet above sea level, overlooking Simi Valley to the north and northwest and the San Fernando Valley to the southeast.

SSFL is jointly owned by The Boeing Company (Boeing) and the United States Government. The government property is administered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A portion of the Boeing-owned property is leased to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Boeing, DOE, and NASA are identified as the three Responsible Parties (RPs) for the Site. Operational activities at SSFL began in 1948 and ended in 2006.

The four administrative areas and undeveloped buffer areas include:

  • Area I, which consists of 671 acres owned by Boeing and 42 acres in the northeast portion of the site administered by NASA. Area I contained administrative and laboratory facilities, and was formerly used for rocket engine and component testing. Area I also includes the former Area I Thermal Treatment Facility and three rocket engine test areas, the Bowl, Canyon, and Advanced Propulsion Test Facility (APTF) areas. All test stands and administrative and laboratory facilities in Area I have been removed. 
  • Area II, which consists of 410 acres in the north-central portion of the site and is owned by the United States Government and administered by NASA. Area II contained administrative and laboratory facilities, and four rocket test firing facilities: Alfa, Bravo, Coca, and Delta. NASA has removed the administrative and laboratory facilities and Delta test area. The Bravo and Coca test areas will be removed.
  • Area III, which consists of 114 acres in the northwest portion of the site and is owned and operated by Boeing. Area III also includes the systems test area (STL-IV) and associated laboratories. All Boeing facilities in Area III have been removed. 
  • Area IV, which consists of 290 acres owned and operated by Boeing and 90 acres leased by the DOE. DOE sponsored nuclear and non-nuclear energy research and development projects at the site. Nuclear energy research and handling of nuclear materials in Area IV ended by 1988. All DOE buildings in Area IV have been removed. At the time of this posting, there are 5 buildings that were operated by Boeing remaining within Area IV. These buildings will be removed
  • The northern and southern buffer areas, which consist of 175 and 1,140 acres, respectively. Industrial activities have never occurred on these naturally vegetated areas.

Cleanup of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater: Cleanup of soil, groundwater, and related media at SSFL is being conducted under the Corrective Action Program of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which provides a framework to clean up hazardous waste sites in the United States.

RCRA Investigation and cleanup requirements at SSFL are defined in the 2007 Consent Order for Corrective Action (2007 Consent Order). The 2007 Consent Order is the initial agreement that DTSC and the three RPs entered into to define the requirements for investigating contaminated soil and groundwater, and to implement the cleanup at SSFL.

In 2010, NASA and DOE entered into subsequent, separate Administrative Orders on Consent (AOCs) with DTSC that establish the process to investigate and clean up soil to a background standard. The AOCs apply to NASA’s and DOE’s areas of cleanup in Area II (as well as a small portion of Area I) and Area IV, respectively. Boeing did not sign a supplemental agreement and is not subject to investigation and cleanup of soil to a background standard.

The 2007 Consent Order defines the groundwater investigation and cleanup requirements for all of SSFL, and soil investigation and cleanup requirements within Boeing’s administrative areas.

  • RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI): If a spill or release of contamination requiring a Corrective Action is identified in a RCRA Facility Assessment, an RFI is conducted. An RFI is a series of investigations and studies that identifies the nature and extent, and the fate and transport of chemicals of concern. The results of the characterization work are documented in an RFI Report.
  • Corrective Measures Study (CMS): A CMS evaluates alternatives and makes recommendations for cleaning up contamination. The site-specific information from the RFI and risk assessments are used to develop and evaluate Corrective Measure alternatives.
  • Statement of Basis: Based on an evaluation of the CMS reports and recommendations, DTSC will select remedial alternatives or combinations of alternatives that will make up the Corrective Measure(s) for cleanup. DTSC’s Corrective Measure decisions as well as justification for the selections will be documented in Statements of Basis and circulated with the CMS reports for public comment.
  • Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI): Implementation of the Corrective Measure will begin after the public comment process is complete.

Surface Water Monitoring: Surface water leaving the site is monitored to verify that harmful levels of site contaminants do not leave SSFL. The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) is the lead agency responsible for regulating surface water discharge activities at SSFL. To learn more, please visit the RWQCB Web site or visit the Other Agencies page under Regulatory Oversight on this website.

Sitewide Air Monitoring: Data collection for the baseline air monitoring program began on April 15, 2018. It is described in the Final Baseline Air Monitoring Work Plan and was conducted to evaluate baseline concentrations of airborne dust, volatile organic compounds, and radionuclides at SSFL prior to commencing cleanup activities. This data is being used to evaluate if any impacts to air quality are caused by cleanup activities. As a result of a letter from DTSC issued on March 19, 2019 the Air Monitoring Program continues. The reporting quarters align with calendar quarters and the reporting due dates are based on receipt of laboratory data. To review the Air Monitoring Quarterly Reports, please visit the DTSC Document Library.

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