Note: This web page is a part of DTSC's Hazardous Waste Classification training course. 

Waste Classification Procedure: 5 Questions

In order to determine if a material is a hazardous waste, we ask ourselves the following five key questions regarding the material in question:

  1. Is the material a waste?
  2. Is the waste excluded or exempted?
  3. Is the waste listed in Article 4 or 4.11?
  4. Is the waste listed in Appendix X2?
  5. Does the waste exhibit a characteristic of hazardous waste?

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Once you have classified a material as a waste, it is considered a hazardous waste if any of these conditions apply3:

  • It is not specifically excluded or exempted in HSC or 22 CCR
  • It is listed as a hazardous waste in 22 CCR
  • It exhibits a hazardous waste characteristic.

Outer circle text: Materials: 1) Not a waste; and 2) Waste exclusions. Middle circle text: Wastes: 1) Listed in CCRs; and 2) Discarded material. Left arrow from middle circle states "State Waste Exclusions" and "Federal Waste Exclusion." Inner circle text: Hazardous Waste: - Listed as hazardous; - Listed in Appendix X; - Characteristic of hazardous waste; and - RCRA empty. Two arrows from inner circle. First arrow says "Universal Waste," and second arrow says "California empty, Hazardous Waste exclusions/exemptions, Small quantity generators, and Statutory exclusions/exemptions."


1 22 CCR chapter 11

2 22 CCR chapter 11

3 22 CCR section 66261.3


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