Site Mitigation & Restoration Program

We protect and maintain California’s land and places
by setting strict standards for land restoration and cleanup

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Process Quick Reference Guide

DTSC’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Process Flowchart for Voluntary Agreements 1. DTSC CEQA: Is the cleanup a "project"? If No, then no CEQA action required. If Yes, then go to step #2. 2. DTSC PM & DTSC CEQA: Is DTSC the Lead CEQA Agency? If No, then work with Lead Agency to develop either a Responsible Agency Checklist, Statement of Findings, Addendum, or a Supplemental or Subsequent document to augment the Lead Agency's CEQA document. Go to Step #7. If Yes, go to step #3. 3. DTSC CEQA: Is the remedy from CEQA? If No, go to the next step #5. If Yes, go to step #4. 4. DTSC PM & DTSC CEQA: Prepare draft Notice of Exemption (NOE) and after cleanup plan approval, file final NOE with Office of Planning & Research. 5. DTSC PM & DTSC CEQA: Are potential environmental effects below threshold levels? If No, go to Step #7. If Yes, go to Step #6. 6. DTSC PM: Prepare Initial Study for Negative Declaration in coordination with DTSC CEQA and voluntary agreement consultant. Go to Step #7. 7. DTSC PM & DTSC PPS: Implement public notice process for CEQA and cleanup documents. Go to Step #8. 8. DTSC PM & DTSC CEQA: Consider public comments and approve CEQA document. Go to Step #9. 9. DTSC PM: Approve cleanup plan. Go to Step #10. 10. DTSC CEQA: File Notice of Determination with Office of Planning and Research within 5 working days of cleanup plan approval. The cleanup is considered a CEQA project if both of the following apply: 1) Subject to a discretionary decision; and 2) Results in either direct or indirect physical effects on the environment. Public Resources Code Section 21064; CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(a). Definitions: DTSC PM: DTSC Project Manager, DTSC CEQA: DTSC Environmental Planner, Lead on CEQA, DTSC PPS: DTSC Public Participation Specialist.

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