Violations Scoring Procedure Webinars
DTSC’s Violations Scoring Procedure (VSP) Regulations Webinars
On October 21st, 2019, DTSC hosted two public webinars that described DTSC’s approach in applying the Violations Scoring Procedure (VSP) regulations and the provisional VSP Facility scores. All members of the public including community members, government agencies, and regulated businesses were invited to participate in the webinars that included an explanation of the scoring process. DTSC staff was available during the two webinars to answer questions the public had about the scoring process.
Webinar Materials
During the webinars, this presentation on the VSP regulations was given. Below you can find links to the transcript and audio file for each webinar.
Afternoon Webinar Transcript
Afternoon Webinar Audio file
Evening Webinar Transcript
Evening Webinar Audio file
To view permitted facilities and their scores and to find out more about the VSP process, go to the Violations Scoring Procedure page.
VSP Links
- Violations Scoring Procedure Webinars
- 45-Day Public Comment Period
- Fact Sheet
- Final Statement of Reasons
- Final VSP Regulations
- Initial Statement of Reasons
- Map of Operating Permitted Facilities
- Provisional Inspection Violation Score Dispute Document
- Provisional Inspection Violation Score Dispute Extension Document
- SB 673 Rulemaking
- Violation Scoring Matrix
Hazardous Waste Links
- Hazardous Waste Home
- Certified Appliance Recycler (CAR) Program
- Defining Hazardous Waste
- Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
- Enforcement and Emergency Response Division
- Facilities (TSDFs)
- Generator Improvements Rule
- Generators
- Hazardous Waste ID Numbers
- Hazardous Waste Management Plan
- Hazardous Waste Manifests
- Hazardous Waste Tracking System
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Metal Recycling
- Metal Shredding Facilities and Wastes
- Permitting
- Toxics in Products
- Transporters
- Universal Waste
- Form 1358
- California Hazardous Waste Codes
Hazardous Waste Related Links
- Annual/Biennial Reports
- Annual Fee Summary
- Customer Billing Portal (Cost Recovery)
- DTSC Advisory on the Management of Spent Fuels
- EnviroStor
- Hazardous Waste Publications
- Find a Registered Hazardous Waste Transporter
- Hazardous Waste Policies & Procedures
- Hazardous Waste Project Documents
- Imports and Exports of Hazardous Waste
- Kettleman Hills Facility
- Land Use Restriction Sites
- Office of Criminal Investigations
- PV Modules (Solar Panels)
- Regulatory Assistance Office
- Report an Environmental Concern
- Retail Waste