Managing Hazardous Waste

We protect the environment and communities by ensuring compliance with hazardous waste laws

Violations Scoring Procedure Webinars

DTSC’s Violations Scoring Procedure (VSP) Regulations Webinars

On October 21st, 2019, DTSC hosted two public webinars that described DTSC’s approach in applying the Violations Scoring Procedure (VSP) regulations and the provisional VSP Facility scores. All members of the public including community members, government agencies, and regulated businesses were invited to participate in the webinars that included an explanation of the scoring process. DTSC staff was available during the two webinars to answer questions the public had about the scoring process.

Webinar Materials

During the webinars, this presentation on the VSP regulations was given. Below you can find links to the transcript and audio file for each webinar.

Afternoon Webinar Transcript
Afternoon Webinar Audio file

Evening Webinar Transcript
Evening Webinar Audio file

To view permitted facilities and their scores and to find out more about the VSP process, go to the Violations Scoring Procedure page.