Get Involved

We value community input and ideas to develop dynamic environmental solutions

Chapter 1: How to Use this Manual

The DTSC Public Participation Policy and Procedures Manual is the primary reference for preparing, implementing and monitoring all public participation activities required under DTSC’s site mitigation and hazardous waste management processes.

IMPORTANT:  Make every effort to ensure that a site mitigation or hazardous waste management project stays on schedule by consulting this manual early in the process to identify those required public participation activities, and include them in the project plan.



This manual is organized into the following chapters:

Preface – i
How to Use This Manual – Chapter 1
Public Participation Program – Chapter 2
Site Mitigation Processes – Chapter 3
Hazardous Waste Management Processes – Chapter 4
Public Participation During CEQA – Chapter 5
Public Participation Tasks and Techniques – Chapter 6
Appendix –  TBD
Glossary – TBD
Index – TBD

Manual Content Pages

The overall manual content pages give an overview of all chapters. For example, the “Site Mitigation Processes” chapter includes a “Roles and Responsibilities” subsection.


The Appendix contains various examples of public participation documents, which could not be accommodated within a specific section.


The Glossary is a list of commonly used DTSC terms, abbreviations and acronyms used throughout this manual, as well as terms used in performing the day-to-day activities for DTSC projects.


The Index is an alphabetical list of subjects appearing in this manual, together with the page number(s) on which the subject appears.

  • Include Public Participation Specialist in initial project scoping and consult regularly

Public Participation Manual Links