Managing Hazardous Waste

We protect the environment and communities by ensuring compliance with hazardous waste laws

Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPA)

The Enforcement and Emergency Response Division (EERD) administers the technical implementation of the state’s Unified Program – a consolidation of six environmental programs at the local level. EERD conducts triennial reviews of Unified Program agencies to ensure their programs are consistent statewide, conform to standards, and deliver quality environmental protection at the local level. EERD oversees the hazardous waste generator and onsite waste treatment surveillance and enforcement program carried out by local Unified Programs. DTSC was certified, effective January 1, 2005, to be the CUPA for Imperial and Trinity Counties.



Reports/Notices – Corrective Action Delegation

Tier 2 Level Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Assessment and Corrective Action


Unified Program Training

EERD Training

DTSC supports the training needs and activities for the CUPAs, DTSC staff, industry, and the regulated community. EERD staff are members of the Unified Program Trainers Committee which is composed of state and local training coordinators, and addresses CUPA training issues. Through this committee EERD staff worked closely with the CUPAs to assess training needs and plan and coordinate CUPA training.

For regulations regarding the Unified Program Administration and programs, please click on the link for CalEPAs Unified Program Laws and Regulations.

California for All Logo Gavin Newsom
Office of the Governor

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Yana Garcia Yana Garcia
Secretary for Environmental Protection

Visit her Profile

Katherine M. Butler, MPH, DirectorKatherine M. Butler, MPH

Visit her Profile